Jimena was sitting on my bed with me, her sandals kicked off just like me, her legs crossed just like me, and studying hard just like me. She occasionally looked over at me just to check what I was doing, and about every 5 minutes when she heard a good song on her cartoon show, she would run out, sing to it, and then run back, jump on my bed, ruffle everything up, make a mess, and smile sweetly at me as she tried to copy my homework. About every 3 minutes she says "te quiero" or "I love you" and gives me a kiss on my hand or my cheek.
A few nights ago as this was all happening (as it does every night) I asked her if she was going to miss me when I left. She thought hard for a minute and said "No, not that much because you told me that I get to visit your little house in Michigan when I'm bigger, and I am very big right now." I said "Yes thats true, someday you will get to visit me in my little house, but not until you are bigger than your brother." She said "Well I'm not that sad because you are going to call me right?" And I said "of course!".
Then about 10 minutes later she looked up at me with tear filled eyes and said "But hermanita (my little sister) I AM scared because you have to fly all by yourself in an airplane, and I am scared of airplanes!" I gave her a little hug and said "Guess what?! I get to fly with Phanie, I don't have to fly all by myself." She asked "And Elena too?" And I said "Yep! I get to fly with my friends the whole way!" She got a big grin on her face and said "OK I'm not scared anymore, and skipped off to watch her cartoons".
Now she asks me almost every morning if she is big enough to visit my little house in Michigan, especially because she is big enough to go to Kindergarden next year..... :)
The picture is of her "studying" with me on my bed :)