There are 44 days left of my semester in Honduras, part of me is ready to go back and part of me never wants to go back. There are things I miss about both sides, and now that I am used to my life here it will be hard to adjust back to my other life.
This week is a normal week (if normal exists) and we are finishing up some projects and preparing to leave Saturday for our vacation! Phanie, Elena and I are planning on touring the entire North coast. Tela, Ceiba, Cayos Cochinos, maybe Utila, and maybe Trujillo. We are all ready for some serious relaxing time and time with just the three of us. We are going to play it by ear and stay at places we like and move on from places we don't like.
I have a cold this week and feel like it should be cold outside to accompany it, but it continues to be warm and sunny almost every day. The temperatures have cooled down a bit compared to when we arrived, and supposedly December is a cool month. I am very ready for cooler temperatures.
I am sitting on the windowsill with my computer looking a beautiful sunset over the little mountain next to my house. There are 2 dogs in the street that were nuzzling each other but it broke out into a fight. 3 of my cousins are here making a ruckus downstairs playing soccer and tennis. My little sister Jimena is watching cartoons upstairs by me and about every 5 minutes she runs to check what I am doing :) My host mom Yaqui is cooking a scrumptious Honduran dinner and is probably still concocting some sort of medicine for me because my nose is continually running and my voice sounds a bit bad. She has encouraged me to skip class for the past 2 days and couldn't believe that I actually though I was well enough to go.
And I just received the dinner call, so Im off to eat some beans, rice, and tortillas!
Que Dios les bendiga!
Fotos: My brother Andre had a school presentation, and one of the fotos shows his school project. Then there were soldiers that came and did a little show, and shot off VERY loud guns which sent my sister screaming and crying. The other picture is of my host mom, my Aunt, and Jimena at my brothers school.
You look tall standing next to the soldiers!
ReplyDeleteI understand your dilemma of eager and dread at returning home. However, 44 (43) days sounds doable to me and I can't wait until you're "home"!