I am in Honduras all in one piece, although missing a few things from my luggage. I met my host family for the first time and the rest of the night was pretty much a blur. My host mom, who goes by “Yaquie” talks non-stop with slurred speech and an accent that I don’t understand very well. Her sister in law is always in the house who talks just as fast. Also, her friend is staying here for a while who talks even faster and with more expression. I definitely heard a lot of gossip the first day, and they are determined to teach me every idiom that they know because they want me to learn. (They just don’t quite understand that I can’t learn them all in the first day). I can understand all of the professors and other host moms that I have met, so at least this will be a challenge.
For the first hour, I chatted with the ladies and they assured me that there are no men in this house except for the 11 year old son, and that they are very open. Yaquie told me that if she has a problem, she is going to tell me, and if I have a problem, I had better tell her. After a few hours, they proceeded to take me to my room and unpack all of my stuff for me. I was forced into the shower to clean myself up and when I came back, my suitcases were gone and all of my stuff was put “away”. In the picture, you can see my room. Don’t be deceived. The big tall dresser thing is not for me. The other small closet has 5 hangers, which my host mom hung my shirts 6 deep on one hanger, and I have one small drawer. It’s a good thing I didn’t bring very much, although I sure feel like I took too much when I have so little space to store everything. I started to move things around a bit, but needed to go to the bathroom, and when I came back, everything was moved again. The most exciting thing of the night is when the women taught me how to “robar el internet”. There is one spot in my room that if I place my computer there, I can rob the neighbors internet. They thought it was funny and amazing that we could do this ☺ .
My little sister is 4 years old and never spoke to me for the first hour. Then she didn’t stop talking. Seriously. And if you have ever tried to understand 4 year old talk in Spanish on your first day in a new country, you realize how much I have been smiling and nodding non stop with her, although her mom told me “She speaks clearly doesn’t she!” I have played the memory game with her over 10 times and it is only day 2. But she is very cute. She is also the reason why this blog is not posted in Spanish because she is standing right here pulling on my arm with the cutest 4 year old look on her face.
Each wall in this house is a different color, and by color I mean Barbie pink and bright yellow and teal. Although, my walls are beige. My bedroom is next to the tv room and I laid awake most of the night listening to the women chat away. I also listened to the squawking bird that lives 10 feet from my pillow along with the constant barking dogs. But I was exhausted and I managed to fell asleep within time.
I woke up to banana pancakes and the most interesting drink….I won’t even describe it because you will gag. Picture oatmeal chunks in luke warm water going down your throat. We then went to the university for the first time and got a lot of tours and did a lot of walking. There is a strike going on right now in Honduras with every school, so there are hundreds and hundreds of people at the university. I thought I was going to get away from the noise for a while after my first night. The library was the only quite place all day.
Nonetheless, I definitely had the funniest stories to tell everyone today about my host family because it really is crazy. The other students couldn’t believe what my family was like compared to theirs. It is comparable if not beatable to my host mom in Spain. When I got back to my room today after being at the university, my bed was re-made, my blanket was gone, my closet was re-unorganized, and my shoes were all in a different place. But I am not complaining because it will never be boring around here and I think I am going to learn a lot more than the other students who have calmer host moms who don’t talk as much.
The funnies story yet (and it’s only been 2 days) happened this morning. I woke up to my host mom yelling something or other, sat up, and sneezed. She came running into my room from the floor beneath me with a cream to shove up my nose. I assured her that I have allergy pills and even showed them to her, but she shoved her finger up her nose first to show me and then shoved it up mine to assure that I wouldn’t be sneezing…..it’s a crazy life!
Well the lights just turned off because of the storm going on right now so it is going to be interesting around here. Picture 2 crazy women groaning because they can’t finish cooking and 2 little kids racing around in the dark. I hope to take a video of myself taking sometimes so that you all don't have to read through so much. The second picture is my bedroom (now there is no purple blanket) and the first picture is the room right outside my bedroom taken from inside my room (where I heard the chatting all day long). I hope to get more pictures up soon but that's for another calmer day.
Me alegra mucho q estés allá y q todo esté bien. Tu hogar parece como será una experiencia... :) ¡Disfruta, amiga!