-Jimena-"Alison, did you know that my mom and dad make babies together?"
-Jimena- "And when they make babies, it's called making love"
-Ficosah Bank- "I'm sorry, we cannot complete your transaction (closing my account) because we cannot find your signature in our system" (after waiting for 2 hours)
-Alison: "Jimena, what do you want for Christmas"
-Jimena: "A snow doll!"
-Alison: "And what do you want from Guatemala?"
-Jimena: "Snow!"
-Alison: "Ugh. I slept with a Mosquito last night!"
-Jimena: "I hate it when that happens!"
-Alison: "No Yaqui, I don't really want cold medicine" (I had a bad cold and she wanted to give me medicine)
-Yaqui: "No Alison, you don't understand. It's because I already love you that I want to give you this medicine
-Alison: "Vaya pues" (which means, ok then :)
-Alison: "Jimena, you can have this folder if you want"
-Jimena: (takes it and looks at it) "And what in the world would I use this for?"
-Jimena: "Alison, Alison, Alison, Alison, Alison, Alison, Alison"
-Alison: "Jimena, WHAT"
-Jimena: "Hola, te quiero" (Hello, I love you) (This quote happens at the least 15 times a day)
-Alison to Andre: "Did you see that big thing?"
-Jimena: "Did you just say big? Are you talking about me because I'm really big! Big enough to visit your little house in Michigan!"
-Finished all my classes and exams
-I can officially talk soccer now
-Took all my ceramic pieces home (7 pieces) in one piece
-Officially spent 106 days in Honduras
-Watched Phanie scream down the street on her first motorcycle ride
-Tore all my homework assignments out of my notebook and gave them to my siblings (similar to when I cleaned my room out and gave all my crap to my little brothers and they thought I was SO cool)
-The Christmas decorations are up in our house! Christmas tree with lights, little red bows, and santa clauses are in every room!
*Tomorrow we leave at 4:30am to go to Guatemala for 8 days!
3. My finished sculpture project of a Mayan mask. The frame is coming this week.
2. My siblings in front of the decorated tree
1. Phanie and my last day of school!
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